
akad. soch. Klára Kloseára_Klose


Artistic Works

2013 Illustrations for the book Nekonečné ticho (Infinite Silence) by Tomáš Zdechovský
2012 Týden (Week), a sculpture for the pedestrian zone in Přelouč
2009 Opuštěný měsíc (Abandoned Moon), Havlíčkovy sady, Vysoké Mýto
2006 Milenci (Lovers), end piece for the railing column at the Art Nouveau building on Jindřišská Street in Pardubice
2001 Relief, Adam a Eva (Adam and Eve), for the interior of the restaurant “V ráji” at Hanáckého pluku 10, Olomouc
2000 Illustrations for the book Mysli si, že se Ti to jen zdá (Pretend That You Are Just Imagining It) by Ladislav Vondrák, published by Tiskárny Havlíčkův Brod
1999 Sculpture, Bojovník (Warrior), for the garden of Mr and Mrs Jemelík, Lipník nad Bečvou
1997 Outdoor sculpture of a horse for the polyfunctional building on Hanáckého pluku, Olomouc
1997 Indoor sculpture, Strom (Tree), for a residential home in Pečky u Kolína
1997 Column in Palác Kotva, V.S. a.s. headquarters, Revoluční Street, Prague 1