akad. soch. Klára Klose
Artistic Works
2013 | Illustrations for the book Nekonečné ticho (Infinite Silence) by Tomáš Zdechovský |
2012 | Týden (Week), a sculpture for the pedestrian zone in Přelouč |
2009 | Opuštěný měsíc (Abandoned Moon), Havlíčkovy sady, Vysoké Mýto |
2006 | Milenci (Lovers), end piece for the railing column at the Art Nouveau building on Jindřišská Street in Pardubice |
2001 | Relief, Adam a Eva (Adam and Eve), for the interior of the restaurant “V ráji” at Hanáckého pluku 10, Olomouc |
2000 | Illustrations for the book Mysli si, že se Ti to jen zdá (Pretend That You Are Just Imagining It) by Ladislav Vondrák, published by Tiskárny Havlíčkův Brod |
1999 | Sculpture, Bojovník (Warrior), for the garden of Mr and Mrs Jemelík, Lipník nad Bečvou |
1997 | Outdoor sculpture of a horse for the polyfunctional building on Hanáckého pluku, Olomouc |
1997 | Indoor sculpture, Strom (Tree), for a residential home in Pečky u Kolína |
1997 | Column in Palác Kotva, V.S. a.s. headquarters, Revoluční Street, Prague 1 |